The Basics of Nonprofit Marketing Messaging

The Basics of Nonprofit Marketing Messaging After you’ve described your audiences, delineated the right media for your messages to them, and decided on the channels for delivery of those messages, you need to think about what you’re going to say.  In this post, we’ll discuss: (1) Why nonprofit marketing messaging is important; (2) Four components of a good foundation for nonprofit marketing messaging; (3) Three key nonprofit marketing messages that you should develop and keep in your back pocket; (4)…

How to Develop a Simple Nonprofit Marketing Plan in 5 Short Steps

A marketing plan is an essential component of any well-run nonprofit, no matter how small. In this post, we'll review the definition of marketing and why the term has negative connotations for some people.  Next, well look at what a marketing plan is and why it's important to have one.  And, finally, we'll look at the five short steps involved in developing a marketing plan.  We'll use plenty of examples and illustrations along the way so that in just a…


Now that the holiday season is almost upon us, it's important to consider what we can do to improve nonprofit fundraising letters.  Because those of us running small nonprofits work hard and do the impossible when it comes to meeting our missions in spite of our shoestring budgets, we are understandably inclined to tell our donors and prospects about our marvelous successes in terms that we believe are quite convincing. Here's an example:  “With our new ABC vaccination outreach program,…

Recent Successful EPA Grant Request

In the face of what is clearly one of the most devastating hurricane seasons for the U.S. (& let's not forget the territory of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) on record, it is hard to fathom the ban on the "double C word" by EPA, as reported recently by the Nonprofit Quarterly. It's too absurd for words alone.